Multnomah Hot Rod Council
PO Box 55067
Portland , OR 97238
Phone: 503 232 4567
Email: [email protected]
Founded in 1956, The Multnomah Hot Rod Council is a 501c3 non-profit organization based in Portland Oregon consisting of several car clubs in northwest Oregon and southwest Washington.
Functions of MHRC include: Helping coordinate the automotive show scene in the Portland metropolitan area via this website and operation of the "Portland Roadster Show", one of the oldest and absolutely best roadster shows in the country.
We have supported many regional and charitable activities throughout the years.
MHRC Charities - Avon Bear Drive
The Ronald McDonald House charities of Oregon and SW Washington provides - as it's cornerstone program:
- Temporary lodging.
- Comfort and support for families of seriously ill and injured children who are being treated at nearby medical facilities.
- Support for related efforts improving children's health.
Thanks to MHRC Member Darlene Maynard.
Darlene coordinates the purchase of stuffed Bears from Avon that are given to kids and there younger siblings at the Ronald McDonald House. MHRC members and clubs donate money to Darlene which helps purchase the Bears. Thanks to all of the clubs and individuals that donate to this worthy cause. The Bears are delivered each year on Father's Day by MHRC members.