1965 Dodge Dart SL

Vehicle Quick Facts

Profile ID: 4844
Year: 1965
Make: Dodge
Model: Dart
Markets: Muscle Car
Vehicle Type: American
Contact: Jason Latham



Vehicle Story

Big Oak Garage is a Hot Rod Shop specializing in Vehicles from 1972 and older. We offer mild upgrades (i.e., Wheels and Tires, Suspension, Exhaust, A/C, etc.)

Our Goal is to build the highest quality automobile that we can build. Not a 1:1 scale model, but one meant for the highway; Road worthy as well as Award worthy, an Exotic work of Art whose purpose is dictated by you.

This 1965 Dodge Dart SL won top 8 in Riddler Competition in Detroit.  We began building it 8 years ago and it took 3 ½ years to build.  The Badge (emblem) was milled out, power coated black and then sanded and polished off the face and painted orange.

Build Sheet

